Reading head Start: Worth it for Parents?

Reading Head Start: Worth it for Parents?

As recent headlines will attest, reading test scores are declining across the country. Many sources name Covid as the reason for this: “The Pandemic Erased Two Decades of Progress in Math and Reading,” cries The New York Times (1); “Students’ test scores plunge,” writes The Washington Post (2). Other journalists, like Natalie Wexler from Forbes, argue that Covid only compounded already declining test scores from the pre-pandemic education system (3). Regardless of their reasoning, the experts arrive at the same verdict: reading test scores are down. Hoping to boost their children’s reading abilities, many parents are searching for supplemental resources, one of which is Reading Head Start.

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A new product known as Moxie, designed to help foster positive child development, has gained traction lately. This new product has been designed by child-development experts with the specific learning needs of children in mind. Using artificial intelligence, Moxie is unlike any product or children’s device you’ve seen before.

Moxie Robot: A New AI Robot Friend 

A new product known as Moxie, designed to help foster positive child development, has gained traction lately. This new product has been designed by child-development experts with the specific learning needs of children in mind. Using artificial intelligence, Moxie is unlike any product or children’s device you’ve seen before. 

This innovative “robot friend” is designed to help children build social and emotional skills through interactions with Moxie robot. Children can talk and interact with Moxie in similar ways to real friends. For parents, this exciting new technology, combined with the idea of enhancing child development surely sounds attractive. Given the challenges kids face today, a product like this AI robot has the potential to change the field of child development.

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Discount School Supply

Discount School Supply had its beginning in a small retail store selling educational products. Founder Ron Elliott had creative ideas about how he could supply more products to respond to teacher‘s needs. The Discount School Supply catalog was born, the place where you can BUY WHERE TEACHERS BUY®.

The original focus was simple, offer the highest quality products at the lowest possible prices, supported by an extraordinary level of service.

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